Frequently Asked Questions

about how we do things at Resource Pelvic Health

  • Every client wants to know: How long will it take to get better? How often should I schedule visits? And for how long? These are very important questions that are always discussed before or during the first visit, to help create your plan of care and to set expectations for recovery. I am committed to keeping this conversation open and transparent, and working with my clients to come up with a schedule that works best for their availability, finances, and their unique healing journey. 

    Frequency and duration of care are highly variable, based on many factors including your diagnosis, how long you have been living with the issue, your goals, and schedule/availability, just to name a few. This makes it difficult to provide a specific timeline, but I will have a much better estimate after the initial evaluation. However, most clients can plan on starting with 4 - 6 weekly visits, followed by 2-4 additional visits spaced farther apart (such as 1-2 visits per month).

    For postpartum checks, birth preparation, and other wellness visits, I often see clients for 1-2 visits. Your care will be based on your needs, your goals, and what we find during assessment.

    Book Your Appointment online today to get started.
    If you still have questions, Contact me or Schedule a Complimentary 15 Minute Consult (phone or video)

  • The initial evaluation visit is 90 minutes, and the cost is $270.
    Follow up visits are either 60 minutes at $150, or 90 minutes at $225.

    • All appointments can be either in-person or virtual via a secure telehealth platform.

    • Payment is due at the time of service. I accept card, check, cash, Venmo, ApplePay. You can also pay using HSA or FSA accounts.

    We will discuss what length of visit and visit frequency would be best for you when we meet. I understand that every person’s needs and availability vary, and I work with my clients to come up with a schedule that works best.

    Please note your appointment time is reserved for your care. It is the client’s responsibility to arrive on time. If you need to change clothes or use the restroom before your appointment, please arrive early to do so, otherwise it will reduce the time we have together. Any paperwork must be completed before your appointment time. I take great care to review your paperwork so I can be fully prepared and present during each session, to make the best use of our time together.

    Book Your Appointment online today to get started.
    If you still have questions, Contact me or Schedule a Complimentary 15 Minute Consult (phone or video)

  • There is a high demand for specialized pelvic health services. I have a 24-hour cancellation policy during the week. Monday appointments must be cancelled by 12 PM on the previous Friday. This gives me adequate time to fill your cancelled or re-scheduled appointment with another patient in need.

    • For all visits: Last minute cancellations (less than 24 hours) or No-Shows will asked to pay the full cost of the visit.

    • Exceptions: I understand that there may be extenuating circumstances resulting in a cancellation or reschedule with less than 24 hour notice. Each incident will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

      *If you are sick, please do not come in. Call me as soon as possible to reschedule, and take care of you!

  • In order to provide the best care for my clients, I have made the decision to be an out-of-network provider. I do not accept insurance directly, however I can provide a superbill receipt, which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. If you plan to do this, I recommend contacting your insurance company ahead of time to ask about out-of-network coverage for physical therapy, and whether physical therapy will be covered for your specific diagnosis. Click here for a worksheet with some recommended questions.

    • Medicare patients: I do not have a relationship with Medicare, which means that I can not treat conditions that would normally be covered by your Medicare insurance. However there are situations where I will be able to work with Medicare patients, such as to provide wellness services. Please contact me to find out, I am always happy to help advise folks about their options, even if their best option is to see a different provider!

  • Your first visit, or initial evaluation, will start with a conversation about your concerns, any relevant medical history, and about what you hope to get out of working together. I will ask for details about any symptoms; when they started, what brings them on, how they’ve changed over time. I will also ask about your diet, bowel and bladder habits, and activities, including sexual activity. I will only ask questions that I think could be relevant, to help me better understand your problem, and how I can help.

    The next part of the visit is a physical assessment of the client’s posture and movement including range of motion, strength, and function. Pelvic dysfunction and pelvic pain conditions are often complex, and often related to factors outside the pelvic area. Depending on the your complaints, assessment may include looking at the spine, hips, legs and feet, ribs, abdomen, pelvis. This may include external, as well as internal exam of the pelvic region.

    You will also receive treatment on your very first visit. This may include manual therapy, neuromuscular reeducation, exercises, or other activities. Often times treatment on the first visit is heavy on education and recommendations for changes to your diet, activities, ergonomics, sleep routine, hygiene routine, skin care, stress management habits, and beyond! There will always be lots of education. I provide printed or emailed handouts with my recommendations, and detailing any additions / changes made to your home program. I also encourage my clients to bring a notebook to visits. This can help them remember any questions they want to ask, take notes about things they want to remember during the session, or to journal afterward, to help integrate what they learned or experienced.

    Book Your Appointment online today to get started.
    If you still have questions, Contact me or Schedule a Complimentary 15 Minute Consult (phone or video)

  • You always have a choice about whether to have an internal exam, or internal treatment, or any other treatment for that matter. It is important that you understand the purpose of any assessment or treatment, so that you can decide whether to participate or not. This is called informed consent. If you don’t understand something, it is your right and responsibility to ask for more information about why it’s is being recommended.

    In general, an internal exam is often indicated when there are symptoms in the pelvic area, to help understand the underlying cause, and to determine what kind of treatment will be needed. (Similarly, if a person is seeking physical therapy for shoulder pain, it’s important to touch and move the shoulder and structures around it, to understand the problem and how to best treat it.) But sometimes even when a client understands the benefits of the exam, they just don’t feel comfortable, or don’t feel ready yet, and that’s OK.

    * Alternatives to internal exam: Often times an external exam combined with your symptom history can provide useful information to get started. 

    * Potential risks of foregoing an internal exam when one is indicated: There is a risk of being unable to rule out conditions that could be underlying your symptoms, for example identifying pelvic organ prolapse causing a client’s pelvic pain or incontinence. In this case, a client will often require more visits to get better. 

    Informed consent is fundamental to my practice in every way. In fact, in any interaction with a health care provider, it is your right to be informed about the potential risks and benefits of any treatment, as well as the potential risks of foregoing the treatment. It is also your right to be educated about alternative options. This is all to help you make your best health decision for you. It is always your right to refuse any treatment, and for your choice to be respected. Read more about patient rights from the American Medical Association.

  • I take every measure to reduce risk of infection and spread of disease, to protect my clients, myself, and the community.

    • All equipment and surfaces are sanitized before and after visits. Linens and coverings for treatment table are replaced for each client.

    • Sterile protocol and single-use equipment is used for pelvic exams to prevent risk of infection.

    • Hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol is available.

    • Soap dispensers are maintained in restroom and hand washing is encouraged.

    • Treatment takes place in a private treatment room so social distancing can be maintained. Limited number of people in the facility at any time.

    • There is a 30 minute buffer between appointments.

    • Masks are no longer required in healthcare settings per State of California Guidelines as of February 2023. However, I will continue to wear a mask when working with anyone who prefers we wear them, for any reason. I will provide KN95 masks for any clients or family/guests who did not bring one.

    • Clients are screened for symptoms, and asked to stay home if symptomatic.

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